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Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

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If I’ve Met You, I Probably Love You

Whether past, or present, whether we interact or politely ignore each other (or in some cases, impolitely when you see me at a bar), whether I ever sat down and looked you in the eye and told you or whether we just talked in line at Trader Joe’s once: I almost assuredly love you. On this […]

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There seems be an extra oomph of Thanksgivitude lolling about this year. Maybe it’s the number of Facebook friends sharing a daily dose of thankfulness. Maybe it’s the fact that while waiting in line to walk up the stairs at Bart, more people than ever before were giving money to the musician who was brightening […]

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Thanks. Give. (Ing.)

America is full of heroes. Yes, there are the all-around-superhero type: NYFD and the people rebuilding New Orleans and all that jazz. But there are lesser-known, heart-of-the superheroes: do-gooders and life-changers who do good and change lives in very quiet, behind the scene ways; who make up a not oft-noted sense of who and what […]

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