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Tag Archives: growing up

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Repost: You Are Who You Were At 12

If you’re not following my friend, 72 Inches of Pure Lady, and you’re a quarter-lifer (or thereabouts) who thinks about where your place is in the world of working, loving, dreaming, and being, you my want to check her out. I admire her writing, style, honesty, and thinking (and have since I was about 10 […]

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Glow Little Spark, Glow

It is far too easy to sit in your studio apartment, writing someone else’s wedding vows as your mind flickers to an ex getting married at the exact same moment, and start to worry that this right here might be your life. Pristine white blinds, walls, china cabinet, built-ins that mimic the blank taste in […]

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Guest Blog: Like a Lot of Things in Life

Readers, meet my darling friend Whitney. I know darling sounds diminutive, which size-wise she is. But personality and wisdom-wise, no no. She is bold, and embracing the bravery that comes with figuring life out. Whitney is the one who made me realize the key idea that bravery sucks. It’s hard. Being brave is not easy – […]

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I absolutely hate when I catch myself paving a road to hell with good intentions. Perhaps the worst part about this is the sheer earnest resolve that comes from good intentions. Having purposefully made choices explode like a frozen bottle of Drakes IPA is disconcerting for a number of reasons, not the least of which […]

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On Age and Defining Myself

Before I go on with the final few dates of the lower 48 states (I know! So close!) I have to admit I’m distracted today by the subject of age. Many of my friends and I are 30 or thereabout. While I do have friends of various ages – from mid-20’s to late 60’s – […]

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Killing ‘em With Kindness

What’s weird about themes is they can be hard to see when you’re in the middle of a story. I always dreaded teachers asked what the theme of this week’s book was when we hadn’t gotten to the end. Themes often make sense only in full context (don’t get me started on the often subtle […]

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