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Tag Archives: love

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In Memorandum

I’ve been choking on my heart today. I can feel it resting where an Adam’s apple would, making swallowing a rather heady endeavor. Literally, I’m pushing liquids to the top of my throat, then wooshing them down – I stopped trying to get my heart back down to my lungs hours ago. It’s all in the […]

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But seriously. Love. Yourself. Unconditionally.

What follows is probably going to sound like page straight out of a PSA titled Self-Help 101, but the topic has incessantly and incandescently been rolling through my mind like that little marble in the Labyrinth board game, dodging manholes (admittedly falling in quite often). Last week I wrote, My real fear-based decision was arguably […]

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Write Down Why You are Eff-ing Remarkable

Someone recently told me they didn’t think I loved myself enough to be in a relationship with them. It was an astute point, one I couldn’t quite argue with — though one I have spent the past four months in counseling talking about, crying about, and dealing with. You don’t have to know me for […]

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What’s scarier than nightmares? Fear.

Sand would be the preferred place to stick my head, but I’d settle for the corner of my closet behind my collection of three pea coats in various lengths and hues or the cubby in a set of shelves behind my faux Murphy bed. All this Oakland sunshine has been seeping through my turned up […]

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Is All Fair in Dating When it Comes to Love?

Fairness is an idea that popped up a lot in my datingverse. On the road, Megan and I debated what was “fair” when it came to a first date. Does one owe a first date anything beyond guarded politeness? Is it okay to end a date “early” if you know you don’t see a lifetime […]

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The Stigma of the “On-and-Off” Relationship

(Ed note: Once again, we have guest blogger Angie! An engineer by day, food blogger on nights and weekends, and an all around thinker no matter the time in San Francisco. Enjoy her brave, bold, and strong take on this oft snubbed topic.)  Two and a half years ago, my boyfriend of eight years and I broke […]

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What Should You Do on Valentine’s Day?

There’s that whole “What are you doing New Year’s Eve?” song, that yes, is very sweet — but I feel like there’s a market for a “What are we doing Valentine’s Day?” that isn’t being tapped into. Except, instead of being a lullaby about if you wanted to hang out, it’d be a zippy tune […]

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The Ostarello Way of Expressing We Care

In my family, I’ve got an article for you is synonymous with I love you.* My dad is the most famous for this gesture, but it’s not limited to him. My mom has been known to cut out and save an article until she sees me again. Zio Jim and my father shoot articles back and […]

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A Little Bird Told Me

I was never an avid Twitter user until Megs and I embarked on 50/50. It’s not like I had a good reason to avoid the little blue bird (unless you count the fact that I tend to write in long sentences instead of short sentiments, which makes that whole “140-characters-or-less” rule even more challenging than […]

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MLK and Coretta Scott King, Living in Love

Martin Luther King Day is one of my favorite holidays. I couldn’t really say why (maybe it’s because he said things like “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”), other than I’ve always had an affinity for MLK, and also the holiday falls exactly when one needs a holiday, and when weather in […]

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