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Graciously Saying “No More Dates, Thanks!”

Folks, Alicia still is sort of out of intelligent writing commission today. So, enjoy a piece she wrote for another site about how to kindly let someone down.  One of my personal flaws is not knowing when I want to stop dating someone. Sign one should probably be that I don’t return their phone calls in a […]

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Getting Conversational With Your S.O.*

Folks, Alicia still is sort of out of intelligent writing commission today. So, enjoy a piece she wrote for another site about how to talk to a significant other when you want to have a more serious conversation.  *(Or the person/s you’re in a datingship with these days.) Opening your mouth to eat confetti cake: easy. Opening […]

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Drunk High School History Teachers, Dr. Paul, and the Topic of Dating: Part Two

Yesterday I meandered away from the road trip and the story of fifty first dates to talk dating on a grander scheme. Going to wind that up now. Like I said before…In Maryland, it was inebriated educators. Awhile back, I remember feeling a bit unnerved by an uncategorizable number of people who wanted to know […]

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Drunk High School History Teachers, Dr. Paul, and the Topic of Dating: Part One

In Maryland, it was inebriated educators. Awhile back, I remember feeling a bit unnerved by an uncategorizable number of people who wanted to know about what a date meant. And heck, as of this week my friend Dr. Paul had his own questions about the “legitimacy” of dates during 50/50. So, to quote my Minnesota […]

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Man, I felt bad for the chap who had to follow Delaware in my datingverse. Let’s just say that after that under-pleasant experience, I wasn’t my usual gung ho self for another first date. The very next day. Thank gosh for Megan, who told me to buck up, open my mind, remember why we were […]

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Writers, Artists, and Musicians Take Note: It Only Takes a Village (and Kickstarter) to Transform Visions into Reality

Super excited to be part of Linda Thorlakson’s artist interview series. In the words of Jen Friel, hit it Linda!

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It’s Been 37 Dates

It’s been thirty-seven dates and it’s impossible not to be introspective with that kind of tally. Megan and I are bouncing from place to place faster than a ping-pong ball on a sugar rush (states are so small in the east!), and not having as much time to contemplate dating while we cruise through large […]

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What Did Dela-Ware? Not Me, That’s For Sure

Oh, snap. Within five minutes of meeting Mr. Delaware, he’d used the term crotch rocket in front of me to describe his second motorcycle (his first being the gasoline leaking cruiser he’d rode to meet me at Old Dominion Brewery). I suppose I could have taken that phraseology as an indicator of this man’s character, […]

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Silence Isn’t Golden

I’ve signed your name on the universal list of those whose bravery failed them when it came time to end a quasi-relationship. The list is long, and much like a guest book or headstone, names are printed sans fanfare and on display without a story, history or eulogy recited. Because that’s what is typically done […]

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Saying “Yes!” in Atlantic City

People in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey drive like they are auditioning to be bats out of hell — all the speed, none of the experience. I swear to gosh that at one point I was barreling down a turnpike at eighty miles per hour and cars were swerving by me on the left […]

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