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Tag Archives: girlfriend

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El Paso: Wow (On So Many Levels) – Part One

Until I actually went to El Paso, I’d heard nothing but negative commentary about the place. Terms of un-endearment such as “the original Hellmouth” coupled with “boring as all get out” and “seems to lack a reason for existing” and, everyone seems to agree, “dirty,” were all used when describing the city to me. One […]

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We Don’t Always Remember What We’re Made Of

It’s amazing how you can be told the same thing over and over again, by a variety of people (occasionally even by fate/the universe/the powers that be at large), and the message refuses to sink in, until one day, the right person in the exact right situation tells you and TA-DA! Dust falls from certain levers […]

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Friend’s Opinion: Yay or Nay?

Last night, I did a second dramatic reading from my pink diary (the one pictured in yesterday’s post) for two close girlfriends who I’ve known since maybe forever. We laughed hysterically, often knowing exactly who the entries were referring to, and reminisced about junior high and high school, the boys we thought we loved who […]

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Nothing Says First Date Like a Cat

When you hear the words “rock climbing” you might not be equating it to “awesome first date experience!” I certainly wasn’t, but when ZOZI presented the opportunity to hit the world’s tallest indoor climbing silos in Dallas, Texas, I wasn’t about to object. Giant silos plus my fear of heights and a stranger? Whether or […]

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Louisiana, the Date

Bless me readers for I have sinned: I didn’t mention that my Louisiana date also happened to be our homestay. See, a friend’s ex-boyfriend knew about my trip around the county and recommended his friend, Chris, as either a potential New Orleans date, potential NOLA couch to crash on, or hey – both! The night […]

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Reflections on M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i

Thanks to Mr. Mississippi, I can now confidently say that I have both been on bad first dates myself, and witnessed a bad first date from start to finish. Watching Megs experience a date that evolved from reasonably okay to ginormous freaking trainwreck that might have also plowed into a few donkeys being gnawed on by Sasquatch […]

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Does Being Content Lead to Being Solo?

It never fails: when I should be doing work, or writing about something like the follow up to a bad first date I witnessed in Mississippi, I am instead overcome with thoughts spurred by yesterday’s series of conversations. Amid sunshine and starshine, we were talking about relationships, both where we’d been in the past dating […]

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It is literally impossible for me to think of the word Mississippi and not spell it out in my inner monologue. This is kind of a bad thing as it means whenever someone mentions the state I tune out for at least two and a half seconds while I spell the word loudly and occasionally […]

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I’m Calling Some Shenanigans

Every year, my friend Liz used to write reflections about Valentine’s Day. Sometimes she was single, sometimes she was taken. This year, for the first time, she’s engaged for the holiday, and this time next year she’ll be married. She was in town for the week of V-Day, and for the first time since she’d […]

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‘Bama (the Al Kind, Not the O Kind)

Not sure if anyone else is keeping count, but Megs and I occasionally take a mental tally of how many great, good, indifferent, bad, and atrocious dates I go on. With drive times getting longer (how did the west get so big and east get to be so small? Weird proportions, former leaders of America. […]

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