Stereotyping Yourself
As Megs and I pulled onto a dust-storm laden freeway, curious to cross the Texas/New Mexico border and see what was in store for us next, we continued to discuss Enrique, my El Paso date with more hands than an octopus as my mother would say. I hated to admit it, but I felt like […]
Take a TourEl Paso: Wow (On So Many Levels) – Part 2
Megs and I decided early on to do two dates in Texas because darn it, that state is large and in charge. Also, even more than other states with international borders, it seems to be known for having a divisive population (though that might just be my California-brain talking). Regardless, we wanted to explore more of […]
Take a TourEl Paso: Wow (On So Many Levels) – Part One
Until I actually went to El Paso, I’d heard nothing but negative commentary about the place. Terms of un-endearment such as “the original Hellmouth” coupled with “boring as all get out” and “seems to lack a reason for existing” and, everyone seems to agree, “dirty,” were all used when describing the city to me. One […]
Take a Tour