I’d Like to Believe I’m a Nice Girl
Nice girls finish last, too. Not with relationships, necessarily, but with themselves. Before they are nice girls, though, they are good girls. Sitting so still, blending into the rose-colored upholstery while the grown-ups chatter above and around them. They nod, doe eyed or deer-in-the-headlights, as adults tell them to “Think about others first,” and hiss, […]
Take a TourNew Moon Love vs. Real Life Love
Ed note: apparently holidays lead to writer’s block. First, because attempting to make an earring selection at Clare’s for your second-cousins is wildly mind consuming, and second, because every time you sit down to edit something reasonably good you’ve written, you get distracted by Julie and Julia and sparkly wine, or by home movies and […]
Take a TourQuick Quote: Maria Headley’s Year of Yes
To anyone who’s asked what it’s like to have gone on fifty first dates, I have to say Maria Headley said it quite well at the end of her memoir, The Year of Yes: “The Playwright slept, and I curled against him, listening to the sounds of the city: a helicopter passing overhead, taxis honking, […]
Take a TourA Script for an Over-the-Phone Just Not That Into You Convo
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I asked other people advice about dating. Who am I kidding, I still totally do that! Needing dating and relationship advice never goes away, whether you’re on a first date, ten months into a relationship, recently engaged or married for thirty years. Anyway, I was […]
Take a TourWhen a Kinesiologist Starts Thinking Critically About The Game
My brother, my friend Nessa, and I explained Neil Strauss’ The Game to my kinesiologist father this Thanksgiving. T-day with my parentals tends to go something like this: enjoy champagne, a lengthy meal and dessert at a well-set table (use your silverware from the outside in and make sure your napkin rests in your lap), then […]
Take a TourThe 50/50 Teaser is Here!
Fabulous news. Completely fabulous news. Wildly fabulous. So fabulous, I’m just going to let it speak for itself.
Take a TourThanksgivitude
There seems be an extra oomph of Thanksgivitude lolling about this year. Maybe it’s the number of Facebook friends sharing a daily dose of thankfulness. Maybe it’s the fact that while waiting in line to walk up the stairs at Bart, more people than ever before were giving money to the musician who was brightening […]
Take a TourThe Un-Turkey Drop
Ed. Note: today’s post was fully inspired by what I found in my Facebook News Feed thanks to The Atlantic (which granted, is probably where I get way too much of my news these days. But I’m expanding to the Pop Culture Happy Hour – promise). For Thanksgiving Break my senior year of college, I […]
Take a TourIt’s Amazing What We Are Capable Of
Ed note: to be read while listening to We Are Waiters. And The Enthusiast. Ooo, and Color Surround. Actually, maybe just listen to all eleven songs…This week as it rained cats and dogs, I arrived home quite damp, but to a freshly flannel sheeted bed (a favor I did for future me that morning) and […]
Take a Tour- 11, 14, 2013
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The Stature of Limitations
Height is a funny characteristic: not much in our control, in flux toward the start and end of our lives (with several consistent years in the middle, usually). Yet while plenty of single people are willing to work around other uncontrollable aspects of another person, like dyslexia or shoe size, height isn’t so lucky. Pesky […]
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