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Tag Archives: dating

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Dating and Data

Deconstructing the construction of successful online dating profiles has been all the rage lately. It may really have hit the spotlight with Amy Webb’s mathematical approach to writing the right profile, highlighted in Data: A Love Story in January of 2013, eventually trickling to Alli Reed’s Four Things I Learned From the Worst Online Dating […]

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Is All Fair in Dating When it Comes to Love?

Fairness is an idea that popped up a lot in my datingverse. On the road, Megan and I debated what was “fair” when it came to a first date. Does one owe a first date anything beyond guarded politeness? Is it okay to end a date “early” if you know you don’t see a lifetime […]

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The Stigma of the “On-and-Off” Relationship

(Ed note: Once again, we have guest blogger Angie! An engineer by day, food blogger on nights and weekends, and an all around thinker no matter the time in San Francisco. Enjoy her brave, bold, and strong take on this oft snubbed topic.)  Two and a half years ago, my boyfriend of eight years and I broke […]

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The Magic of True Love, Track One: The Shadow (What Luck)

[Ed note: We’re doing something a little different here on the 50/50 blog today! I think you’re gonna love it. Teenager is the moniker of one of my favorite musicians, Bevan Herbekian. I am honored and delighted to be part of rolling out his new album, The Magic of True Love, one track at a time, across blog […]

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What Should You Do on Valentine’s Day?

There’s that whole “What are you doing New Year’s Eve?” song, that yes, is very sweet — but I feel like there’s a market for a “What are we doing Valentine’s Day?” that isn’t being tapped into. Except, instead of being a lullaby about if you wanted to hang out, it’d be a zippy tune […]

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  Noticed a slight downward tick in posts? Fret not, it’s only because Alicia had oral surgery — and admittedly, that means she was in a slight anxiety spiral about the whole endeavor. Luckily, her wisdom tooth is out, and once she’s off pain meds she’ll be just as wise as before (with even better […]

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A Treatise on Status Updates

Sometimes I start typing, and as my fingers flick across the keyboard I fall under the illusion that I am writing ideas that are fresh and new, that I am exploring relationships and dating in a new paradigm, that these words are going to change the way we think about love. Today is not one […]

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The Ostarello Way of Expressing We Care

In my family, I’ve got an article for you is synonymous with I love you.* My dad is the most famous for this gesture, but it’s not limited to him. My mom has been known to cut out and save an article until she sees me again. Zio Jim and my father shoot articles back and […]

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A Little Bird Told Me

I was never an avid Twitter user until Megs and I embarked on 50/50. It’s not like I had a good reason to avoid the little blue bird (unless you count the fact that I tend to write in long sentences instead of short sentiments, which makes that whole “140-characters-or-less” rule even more challenging than […]

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They Never Go Away

Ed note: Folks, meet Christine! She’s the second in guest blogger to enter the 50/50 arena (giving you fresh voices, new points of view, and a little extra time for Alicia to work on her book and Megan to finish the movie. Christine is a veteran to online dating – it’s even how she met her […]

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