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Tag Archives: dating

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Why #YesAllWomen Is Really About Men, After All | Role Reboot

One of my dates from the road – one of my brilliant, handsome, thoughtful, engaging, dynamic and wonderful dates – wrote this for Role Reboot. And frankly, it’s worth a read. Tahir is wise, eloquent, and I am grateful to know him. Here’s a snippet: In the few days since the shootings at Isla Vista, […]

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In Memorandum

I’ve been choking on my heart today. I can feel it resting where an Adam’s apple would, making swallowing a rather heady endeavor. Literally, I’m pushing liquids to the top of my throat, then wooshing them down – I stopped trying to get my heart back down to my lungs hours ago. It’s all in the […]

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A Second Return to the Current State of Why

A lot of snail mail arrives at my parent’s house for me. A few odds and ends from places I never updated my address on, Urban Outfitter’s catalog (no matter how many times I ask to be taken off because if I needed to know what was happening at UO, I’d look it up online), […]

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In Which The Word “Shit” Is Used Quite A Bit

Almost six months ago, Simone and I were texting about giving a shit. I just don’t care anymore, I told her. I seriously think you’re just out of shits to give, she replied. Tapped out. Over everything.  Over life, I responded. Not really. But.  Yep, she said. Almost six months ago, I was out of shits to give. […]

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Compassion, Change and Cow-Print Earmuffs

For almost 32 years, the universe has been trying to tell me something. And damn, if I haven’t spent a lot of time with giant, fuzzy, cow-print ear muffs over my ears staring into the abyss of stars yelling, I can’t hear you! in a genuinely confused way. I didn’t realize the problem wasn’t volume or […]

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Write Down Why You are Eff-ing Remarkable

Someone recently told me they didn’t think I loved myself enough to be in a relationship with them. It was an astute point, one I couldn’t quite argue with — though one I have spent the past four months in counseling talking about, crying about, and dealing with. You don’t have to know me for […]

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Self Consciously Being Single

Ed note: Pulled this from the archives, around June 2012.  My scientist father is notorious for taking photos at every occasion – and not just one photo. Each picture he sets up must be captured multiple times just in case. Statistically speaking, it makes sense: a wider sample group means you’re more likely to get […]

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Are You Ready for This?

When I was 22, I dated a fantastic man. He got married last year, and when I saw his photos, I had to remind myself that at the time, I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know it at the time. But I wasn’t ready. When I was 27, I dated a fantastic man. He’s engaged now, […]

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Trial Balloons

I had the most Oakland of Saturdays this weekend. After a run through the Trestle Glen hills, I made a pot of coffee and typed emails. Within half an hour I was on my way to the farmer’s market with Amara, and doing the broccoli wave to friends Michelle and Gary while ogling farm-fresh eggs. […]

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The Bystander’s Quandary

(Todays guest post comes from my friend, Honor. She’s married, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t found herself in a relationship-related pickle. Feel free to leave advice/thoughts in the comments section! Honor, the floor is yours.)  So I’m in a quandary. I have a friend, let’s call him Mike, that I’ve known since before we […]

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