- 08, 19, 2014
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On Coffee and Defense Mechanisms
A few afternoons ago I detoured away from my desk to do some serious creative brainstorming for my job, wedging myself onto a barstool at a nearby hipster coffee shop (you know, the sort of place where bearded baristas touting Don Quixote tattoos serve rib-cage looking latte art to try and ease the pain of […]
Take a TourThe Fade Away
Disclaimer/Side Note: The first rule of dating advice is there are no absolutes in dating. It’s freaking Tag War out there, people. Anything can – and occasionally will – work at least once when the right sets of chemistry come together and kapow. I point this out only to say that my following thoughts on how […]
Take a Tour- 07, 23, 2014
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Dismissiveness in Dating Culture
This status update appeared in my Facebook Newsfeed recently. I say appeared as if the apparition was magic, but of course, there was no bibbity-bobbity-boo involved; just someone I vaguely used to know wanted to share something. My jaw dropped a little. Here’s a woman […]
Take a TourWhen You Accidentally Send Nude Photos to Your Ex…
One of my favorite coworkers is remarkably taciturn. His bark has (hilarious) bite, but he’s more likely to keep mum than not. He probably adheres to that “if you don’t have anything to say, don’t say anything at all” adage (that’s how it goes, right?) which I clearly far too often forget to subscribe to. […]
Take a TourAchievement (Almost) Unlocked: Redefining Dating Success
Caitlin and I were walking home. To one side of us, trees. The other, commuters desperate to return home and buses who vote liberal with their horns. “It’s amazing to me how when I wasn’t dating, I didn’t care about being single. I didn’t think about it.” Caitlin had spent the better part of a […]
Take a TourThe Math of An Awkward “Hello”
Greeting Russell was awkward, mostly because upon reaching up to hug him, I managed to swipe the tip of his nose with my thumb. Thankfully, I didn’t make it into his nostril, but I definitely grazed from one exterior bulge to the other. Being a gentleman (and for all I know, a scholar), Russell didn’t […]
Take a TourSave the Date
For my birthday, a darling friend of mine sent me a book. “I get it next!!” Was scrawled on the card. I removed the pink book-cover, taking note of the title: Save the Date: The Occasional Mortifications of a Serial Wedding Guest (Jen Doll). Admittedly, I was reluctant at first. It sounded Peep-like, frankly – sugar coated fluff. The […]
Take a Tour- 06, 29, 2014
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My Most Recent Note
I went on 50 first dates, one in every state, for a few reasons: because I wanted to prove dating didn’t suck. Because I wanted something to write about and dating was prevalent in my life anyway. Because talking to strangers makes me ridiculously happy and energetic. Because dating sometimes equals kissing. Most of all […]
Take a Tour- 06, 20, 2014
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Oh Hey, Vulnerability!
I’ve had a cold this entire week. Being a phlegm factory isn’t my favorite (I say that like there is a person out there who goes “WOOT! MUCAS!” To be fair, I’d probably be that person. And to be fair, there are some silver linings to listening to something assuredly yellow rattling around between your […]
Take a TourA Conversation About Independence at the Water Slides
Some days my heart feels like it’s being squeezed the way one longs to squeeze a tube of toothpaste: from the middle, letting all the minty-freshness bulge on either end, while simultaneously being twisted like a washcloth being wrung out before being applied to ease a migraine. In those moments, the least thing I feel […]
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