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Tag Archives: dating

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Yep. You’re Not Going to Be Alone

A few nights ago I may or may not have melted down. Like butter in a microwave, one second I was merely in the state of softening and the next — WHOOSH — I was a puddle. It was post date, and while the date itself was fine (for all intents and purposes), all I […]

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Polyamory Pre-Thoughts

There’s little like a good old-fashioned stereotype staring me in the face to make me say to myself, Holy critical thinking, let’s see what truth there is to that. When a polyamorous man in Arkansas agreed to a first date, how could I decline? Here’s a quick definition guide so we’re all on the same page: […]

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The Current State of Why

Questions of what I’m hoping to accomplish by dating around the states run rampant, from people we meet to strangers online. What’s funny is how my responses change day to day, how every moment I have a different opinion on this project – on why I left everything behind (and why Megs did too) to […]

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It doesn’t get more Americana than the State Fair in Oklahoma. Coincidentally, it doesn’t get any harder to find a parking spot than the exact same place. Megs and I were being ourselves and running a touch behind schedule when we left our hotel and started zipping toward the fairgrounds. I’d balked on smearing makeup […]

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Kissing (Someone Else’s) Cousin

Come Kansas, it’d been awhile since Megan and I had seen “ethnic” food of any kind. Right, I know, we saw it in Wisconsin, but just trust me on this: when you’re from San Francisco, not having daily access to a burrito is bizarre.* So when Meg wanted to set me up with her cousin, […]

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Your Actions Speak Just As Loud As Your Words

Post-date etiquette on the road is a tad different than when your physical location is static for a significant period of time, but I think the same general concepts apply. A text two minutes after you leave each other’s presence says I had an exceptionally good time or possibly Wait, come back and let’s make […]

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You know how Robert Frost wrote “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both,” right? Sometimes I feel like he wrote that just to taunt the rest of us into indeed attempting to find a way to take both paths — or at least, experiencing both of them. So […]

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When Your Life is Consumed by Strangers

It’s funny to hang out with a person who does not know you at all. Like, at all. Dates are continually surprised by my expressions. Nary a date goes by that I don’t exclaim Oh, Mylanta! as they tell a surprising story — and this ultimately turns into them being shocked at my peculiar phraseology. […]

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Zero-th Date in Iowa

Over a Scrabble board, EJ and I learned a few things from one another. He discovered that playing the world’s most beloved word game on a first date does not lead to inevitable awkwardness, as it had in his past. In turn, he told me about his concept of the zero-th date. Scratch what you […]

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One Song We Can’t Stop Listening To

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