- 02, 20, 2013
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Last Night an OkCupid Engineer Saved My Project
Holy. Smokes. Megs and I were prepared for one heck of a lot of trouble on the road. Our emergency kit was more like a storage locker, stocked with everything a Girl Scout, an Eagle Scout, and an overprotective father plus two nurturing mothers might consider packing. From emergency reading (a romance novel…hot!) to flares […]
Take a TourAndrew Jackson’s Home
In honor of the great P-Day, some notes from Andrew Jackson’s home in Nashville, Tennessee. Megs and I had a few hours to explore Nashville and in true nerdtastic fashion, we decided to get our history on at The Hermitage, President Andrew Jackson’s abode. Admittedly, what I know of Andrew Jackson comes from sociology classes, […]
Take a TourThe OkCupid Rebound Rumormill
I’ve heard it on good authority (aka, other daters) that OkCupid and Plenty of Fish are known for harboring a deep, dark secret: they’re a hotbed of guys and gals on the rebound. The Rebound is actually not a bad romcom movie title, but a state of “going from one relationship to the next right […]
Take a TourFlorida’s Redneck Riviera
We spent two days in Florida, on a little patch of the state known both fondly and jestingly as the Redneck Riviera. It’s true, we didn’t go for the more “stereotypical” beach cities of Miami or Orlando, where bikinis and Aloha shirts reign. This was a definite choice on my part – we’d seen Atlantic […]
Take a TourA Return to the Current State of Why
You know what I haven’t chattered on about for awhile? Why I’m on this trip. I figured the reasoning would evolve as we traveled. Forward motion and progression are natural after all. And darn it, as Dave Eggers says, “statis itself is criminal,” especially when we’re talking about intending to discover something, even if that […]
Take a TourThe Rest of the Savannah Story
Drama and flaws aside, Megs and I had a pretty darn good time in Savannah. It was Halloween, and while neither of us are huge let’s get wasted and dance on tables! sort of gals, that didn’t mean we weren’t into showing off our Where’s Waldo? and Carmen San Diego duds for an hour downtown. […]
Take a TourGen Y Wanderers: An Interview with Dating Documentary Filmmakers Alicia & Megan
A treat today – below is the interview posted on Wanderlust and Lipstick’s blog about Gen Y Wanderers. Questions are by the charming Alana Morgan, answers by me (A) and Megan (M). (Whoa, am I Gen Y? I always thought I was sort of XY…) In the words of Jen Friel, hit it Alana! Today’s […]
Take a Tour- 02, 05, 2013
- By Alicia
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Flaunting My Flaws in Savannah
Remember in the last post how I mentioned that a few of my own flaws flared up and reared their ugly heads like angry stallions during the Georgia date? Yeah, I was hoping I’d forget too, but I didn’t. Let’s discuss! My Flaws, 1: Communication Visible even with strangers, my ability to communicate […]
Take a Tour- 02, 04, 2013
- 1 Comment.
- By Alicia
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When Everything Goes Kaput in Georgia
When the system of making a dating documentary goes kaput, and your date’s stomach goes kaput, the entire date kinda goes kaput. My date in Georgia was a glorious conglomeration of kaputness, though the guy himself, Yossi, was a fun first date. And hey, I managed to learn a few things about myself […]
Take a TourSouth Carolina!
Charleston, South Carolina, is wildly gorgeous. It sits on “an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean formed by the confluence of the Ashley and Cooper rivers.” Yes, I attempted to find a different way to describe that, but upon looking at two maps, one random online article, and consulting an outside source, I found no better […]
Take a Tour