- 04, 01, 2013
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On Age and Defining Myself
Before I go on with the final few dates of the lower 48 states (I know! So close!) I have to admit I’m distracted today by the subject of age. Many of my friends and I are 30 or thereabout. While I do have friends of various ages – from mid-20’s to late 60’s – […]
Take a TourCorn-Flakery
I’m going to date myself here (no pun intended) when I say the song running through my head as I write this is Tori Amos’ Cornflake Girl.* She sings, “Never was a cornflake girl, thought it was a good solution hanging with the raisin girls” which I’ve always thought was a clever line – clearly, though, […]
Take a TourWhat Happens When You Get All The Embarrassing Stuff Off the Table?
Dating in Utah was not at all what I imagined. First, I’d thought I would wind up out with a Mormon (yep, this is me, being stereotypical). As it turns out though, there aren’t a lot of footloose and fancy-free Mormon’s on OkCupid. Next up, I thought I was going to go out with a […]
Take a TourThe Road From Denver to Moab
For the record, I think no one would be the wiser if I skipped out on writing about the rest of our stay in Denver, but it seems too weird to simply leap from a sick Megs and a flustered me right into waxing over the waning moon about my Utah date. What happened post-Bryan in […]
Take a TourSick Day Decisions
It’s rather amazing what two months in the car with someone can do. I barely knew Megan when we left Oakland (aka, home) and I’m guessing the concept of being sick in front of one another, while certainly a possibility, felt like a dim reality. But after 45 states and 51 dates, neither of us […]
Take a TourJust Some Notes From a Day on the Road
Before leaving Los Alamos a few more noteworthy things happened: 1) While on a run I heard an episode of Snap Judgement that told the story of Argo which I highly recommend as while the movie was good, the radio piece was better. 2) I had a really long conversation with Mike from North Carolina. […]
Take a TourNew Men in New Mexico
In comparison to the drive from Dallas to El Paso, getting into Los Alamos was easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. Into Huckleberry FIt and up some mountainy-hill-things, all in under five hours. I’d always known the Southwest was supposed to be sensationally stunning, but I was unprepared for what that exactly meant. I imagined some sunset-colored rocks on […]
Take a TourStereotyping Yourself
As Megs and I pulled onto a dust-storm laden freeway, curious to cross the Texas/New Mexico border and see what was in store for us next, we continued to discuss Enrique, my El Paso date with more hands than an octopus as my mother would say. I hated to admit it, but I felt like […]
Take a TourEl Paso: Wow (On So Many Levels) – Part 2
Megs and I decided early on to do two dates in Texas because darn it, that state is large and in charge. Also, even more than other states with international borders, it seems to be known for having a divisive population (though that might just be my California-brain talking). Regardless, we wanted to explore more of […]
Take a TourEl Paso: Wow (On So Many Levels) – Part One
Until I actually went to El Paso, I’d heard nothing but negative commentary about the place. Terms of un-endearment such as “the original Hellmouth” coupled with “boring as all get out” and “seems to lack a reason for existing” and, everyone seems to agree, “dirty,” were all used when describing the city to me. One […]
Take a Tour