Learning Nothing
I don’t think Adam or I tried to meet each other with ideas in our heads, but after almost two months of communicating, it was impossible not to. For me, there was a feeling of curiosity about what he’d be like, how he’d move, what his smile looked like when at first his face was […]
Take a TourThe Relationship Puzzle
More on the Adam story tomorrow, promise. A common complaint from internet dating is that their date didn’t look like their photo. Sure, to some degree people are running around posting their hottest photos taken at their best angles, but I think what happens more often is that people look different when they are in […]
Take a TourDo You Ever Really Know?
Normally, I would not recommend the following: 1. Going on a first date with an internet stranger at their humble abode. 2. Going on a first date when you know you have more first dates lined up for a project and you know, you absolutely know, that you’ll have to be 100% committed to dating […]
Take a TourFirst Things First: A First Date In California
Post drink and fries with Noah and Mrs. P (Meg’s flower-bearing mom), we unloaded Huckleberry Fit for the last time, with a cavalier attitude thought not in any way, shape, or form carelessly. Then Megs got in the van with her mom, Noah gave me a hug and got in his van and I…well, I […]
Take a TourHomeward Bound
I’m not sure how well either of us slept last night, despite knowing we had a ten hour drive ahead to tackle come morning. A drive, I should mention, we planned on doing without using a map. For the first time in over two months, we don’t need to be dependent on following a route, […]
Take a Tour- 04, 12, 2013
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A Real Las Vegas Date (Stripless, Of Course)
The razzle-dazzling, dinging-bejazzle of the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame Museum ArcadeĀ (which may or may not be its official title) are unexpected as from the outside, this gray slab of building resembles the older model Costco’s. Like, back when they were Price Club, older model Costco’s.* While the off-the-strip structure appeared almost morose in […]
Take a TourRinging in the 48th State
The road from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas is not terribly long, nor terribly hilly. It’s five hours of mostly flat, quiet space that Megs and I filled with listening to the Dan Savage Lovecast, debating what his advice would be (and what our advice would be), and also long stretches of silence between […]
Take a Tour#Progress
I hate flying. No, not like, I hate it but I grin and bear it. It’s more like, I hate it and I cry and once I just did not get on the airplane after being dropped off at the airport. Another time, I was actually on the plane before I ran off of it. […]
Take a TourCompassion
I absolutely hate when I catch myself paving a road to hell with good intentions. Perhaps the worst part about this is the sheer earnest resolve that comes from good intentions. Having purposefully made choices explode like a frozen bottle of Drakes IPA is disconcerting for a number of reasons, not the least of which […]
Take a Tour- 04, 03, 2013
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What’s the pirate’s favorite state? Arrrrrrizona, of course! Fine, it might also be Arrrrrkansas, but seriously, I think peg-legs and parrots might be more comfortable in the more arid (arrrrrrid) climate of Arizona. A morning run through Moab proved fruitful in securing the idea that Moab is just plain radtacular, no two ways about it. […]
Take a Tour