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Tag Archives: dating

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Just So Juneau

Lest you think Juneau is full of ski-bums and accounting-focused professionals, I’d like to take a moment to talk about the town’s culture. Imagine you took a small town (if you’re in the Bay Area, think Alameda…if you’re elsewhere, use your best judgement), lifted it up, and plopped in an inlet  unreachable by roads…and only […]

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Old Maid

After seeing this board game exhibit at the airport (I love when airports double as exhibit spaces!) I was suddenly reminded of just how early on in life I was told through social mediums that being single when you’re old is totally not cool.   There’s no resemblance yet…right?

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First Date In Alaska!

Oh, men of Juneau. My first first date in Alaska was scheduled to take place the afternoon our plane touched down. Despite my date, Alex, not responding to my text messages during the layover in Seattle, I assumed we were still on – I’d had a phone conversation with the guy the day before for […]

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There’s No Right Way to Meet Mr. Right…Right?

  At a job try-out last week I found myself having a conversation about – what else – dating with one of my potential new coworkers. Once the 50/50 cat came out of the bag (I have a hard time not mentioning it when asked directly about what I’m up to in life at the […]

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That Bizarre-o Fear of Flying

Through fortuitous events, Megan and I wound up flying First Class to Alaska. Most people are probably thinking OOO! First Class! right about now, but believe me when I tell you only two thoughts went through my mind when I found out about this switcheroo: 1) Does this mean we have to board sooner? 2) Does this […]

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Alaska – Preamble

Alaska. Home of Northern Exposure based stereotypes, the lovable OokYook Song from Sesame Street and glaciers. And if I was lucky, home to at least one or two dates. When it came to finding an online dude or gal to take out around town, I made a nearly fatal mistake (fatal might seem strong, but given our […]

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Second (and Third) Dates With…

As I sit to write this (who am I kidding: I’m totally laying down like a sphinx to write this), the lyrics from FUN.’s Some Nights won’t stop tootling through my mind: “Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck, some nights I call it a draw.” By tootling, I mean that every time […]

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The Rest in the Music (Or, Going Slow)

While running together recently one morning, a friend asked me for advice on how to take things slow in the datingverse. She has a crush, and wants to be healthy about her crush. In fact, she’s even told him she was on a dating hiatus to which he replied, that’s totally fine, just let me know […]

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State By State

When things get rough and tumble in my head around the idea of scheduling and getting it all done, I remind myself of the fact that Anne Lamott dedicated the entire title to her book to how to approach an overwhelming sense of everythingness: bird by bird. State by state works too, as does Meg’s […]

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Boy, Crazy.

There was a lull between the lower 48 states road trip and getting to Alaska and Hawaii. We planned this respite from travel for a few reasons: to replenish our funds via working (Megs literally went to work the morning after we returned, I followed suit five days later) and to hang out with our […]

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