I-5 Northbound
After “enjoying” a Pickleback shot (me) – that’s Jameson followed by picklejuice, and no, I’m not kidding – and something delicious with Kailua (Megan), we enjoyed another few hours at Neil Strauss’ home, mingling with a plethora of other guests. There was the young PUA’s mom who was visiting from Australia, the pornstar who had us […]
Take a TourDating Facades: Good Idea or Bad Idea?
Anyone who didn’t meet the love of their life in grade school has, at some point or another, sought advice. Some of us picked up a Cosmo or a GQ, some of us Googled “How do I attract another person?” and some of us discussed endlessly with best friends and strangers alike the nuances of […]
Take a TourMeeting Neil Strauss – Actually
If it wasn’t clear yesterday, I’ll say it now: I had a severe case of ‘fan-girl’ syndrome descending upon me as we pulled into Neil Strauss’ driveway – not the best way to enter any situation, let alone one where I’m supposed to be composed and in charge. Megan was busy assessing space and filming […]
Take a TourMeeting Neil Strauss – Preamble
The morning after Disneyland and Craigslist dating, I was a bit of a wreck. See, before I left on the 50/50 road trip, a friend of mine who has asked to remain anonymous handed me his copy of Neil Strauss’ The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick Up Artists. “You might be interested in this,” my […]
Take a TourThe Dark Matter of Breakups
One of the downfalls of dating – and of being a human who goes outside (or even of the Boo Radley variety for that matter) – is the aftermath of breakups. Since the whole fifty dates project was inspired by a heartbreaking work of breakuppery, ghosts of relationships past have certainly wafted through my mind […]
Take a Tour- 05, 17, 2013
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Memos About Dating You Missed While You Were Married
Divorcee’s and singletons who recently exited over five-year long relationships, take heed: a brave new datingverse emerged while you were coupled up. Whether you’re the wring-your-hands-and-fret type, or the cool-cucumber-pretend-dating-doesn’t-exist type, it is clear that you’re going to want to meet someone special eventually. While I can’t tell you what the dating landscape will look […]
Take a Tour- 05, 16, 2013
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Craigslist Personals: A Sample of LA Responses
Before we were even near the Grapevine, Megs and I had decided to try a new dating tactic: speed dating in Disneyland. Which meant I needed a date (or two, three, four, five) fast. And in order to not feel weird about suggeting a five minute to hour long date with someone, I needed men […]
Take a TourOnly Thing To Do Is Jump Over the Moon
There’s this weird thing that happens when you set out on a life-changing adventure: it changes your life. I know, I know – that should be apparent by the very defining term of “life-changing adventure” but I guess I wasn’t quite prepared for precisely how my existence was going to be altered. I expected to […]
Take a TourConversation Starters
Sure, Megs and I differ in several ways. We are, however, also quite a bit alike and this isn’t more apparent than in our love of stories. Particularly, we revel in the unsung stories of those around us – think This American Life or Snap Judgement but often with […]
Take a TourDating Is Like Medicine
Sometimes dating feels like a lot like taking medicine. While the cough is irritating, you gulp the poorly impersonated candy-flavored syrup so the cough doesn’t wallop your face into a case of pneumonia. That whole idea basically states at first the malady feels better than the antidote but, as my mom is prone to reminding me, if […]
Take a Tour