50/50 on Pivot TV’s TakePart Live – Tonight!
Oh, Mylanta. There’s news in the 50/50 datingverse. Not only are Megs and I going to be interviewed tonight on TakePart Live, a new show on Pivot TV, but we are debuting our first teaser of the movie!!! What’s a teaser, you ask? Well, it’s a short, montage of footage with a music underlay (using the […]
Take a TourUnexpected Wisdom Re: My Personal Datingverse
Sometimes, wisdom and advice comes from the most unlikely of places. I have a love/hate relationship about this, but it’s so very telling of humanity and the romantic notions of fate that I can’t help but lean “love” on any given day. Anyway, this piece of wisvice (have you also noticed that wisdom and advice […]
Take a TourIs this what I’m trying so hard to find?
One of my favorite couples is separating. No, this isn’t a Nick and Jessica moment (though admittedly I was secretly a tiny bit bummed to hear about that) or a Demi and Ashton moment. These are friends, one of whom was blindsided by the news that the other needed a change of scene, a change […]
Take a TourFourth Date Realities
For our fourth date, Brian took me to meet his closest friends in a town over an hour away, and the bulk of our car-ride conversation revolved around something I’d learned about him when we stayed up talking all night: the fact that he used be married. See, Brian married his high school sweetheart. As I’m […]
Take a TourThe Business of Breaking Up
Is the business of breaking up ever really finished? Perhaps it’s overly nostalgic of me, but I can’t help thinking that any time before the age of technology was the golden era of breakups. In my imagined golden age of breakups, you broke up and bam. That person was out of sight, out of mind, […]
Take a TourYou, Me and Everyone I Know
On the road, I got used to having a Jiminy Cricket of sorts on my shoulder – er, behind the camera – when it came to dating. No longer did I have to come home and pontificate in an email to my friends about the ins and outs of a date, detailing the indecision of what […]
Take a TourHockey Games and Jadedness
Alicia here. There is perhaps, too often, too much seriousness placed on a second date. The holy grail of dating is to get past the initial awkward meeting. Many people seem to think that second date is a time to decide if this is the person they’re going to be in a longer-term relationship with. I […]
Take a TourLook for the Bubbles
Heartbreak has been in my head lately. Avid scourers of the 50/50 website have probably at some point noticed the Frank O’Hara quote toward the bottom of our homepage: Each time my heart is broken, it makes me feel more adventurous. I was not the first of the lonely-hearts club to seek solace in Mr. O’Hara. […]
Take a TourSocial Capital and Middle America
Alicia here. Commuting into work is still an adjustment. Back on the road, every day was a commute, but it was a commute with fresh scenery and wonderment as to whether we’d find a good cup of coffee (for me) and pot of tea (for Megs). Now unless I take time to notice, the scenery […]
Take a TourLibrary Brian and the Hand Washing Incident
I can’t remember how I greeted my library date. Was it a hug? A handshake? Smiles were certainly in attendance though, and Library Brian (his nickname already coined affectionately by my friends) was even holding a canvas bag to hold his books in. Our literary escapades were going to be a serious business. The Oakland […]
Take a Tour