Why Dating As An Adult Is Sometimes A Lot Like Dating As A Teenager
A few weeks ago I went to the wedding of a dear friend. While thrilled to celebrate her union to a rather sensational man, I was reminded of something that had very little to do with nuptials: the adulthood datingverse feels one heck of a lot like the teenage datingverse sometimes. One of the pros […]
Take a TourSecond Date Reasoning
On Saturday afternoon, I got a text message from a reader. Who fine, is also my friend. But still – I was pretty stoked that someone sought me out for dating advice for her boyfriend’s roommate. I was doing something insipid, like moving or standing in Target, when I read the message: Need a good […]
Take a TourPolice Sketches : Online Dating Profiles
I’ve never actually seen a police sketch (outside of the infamous Unabomber drawing that looked like Everyman in a hood and big sunglasses) but I always assumed the intended purpose of these sketches was to pinpoint what a potential perp looked like.*And then earlier this week, I got a message in the 50/50 inbox from […]
Take a TourRoad Memory
I’m the point of post-road trip where I am being bombarded with flashbacks from my time on the road. Case in point: this afternoon while driving down the Nimitz freeway, I saw a woman walking down the shoulder of the road. Big hoop earrings, Raiders colors, and a pissed off strut that seemed to scream […]
Take a TourThis is How You Will Unravel Your Own Heart
Author’s note: Admittedly, I wrote this a little over a year ago. I’m very curious in how thought processes around anything (particularly relationships, romance and love of course) evolve, how we can feel one way, then feel another. How we both embody our feelings in the moment, but then eventually choose not to remember them. […]
Take a TourDate Re-Creation Going Oh So Right
I’d like to publicly admit that I am indeed a date re-creator. If I have been on a date that is “hip, hip. hooray!” worthy with one person, I am not too ashamed to try it with someone else. So when I saw that ZOZI was offering a “learn to fly a plane” experience near […]
Take a TourJust Labor Day Fun
Because really, who embodies Labor Day more than Bob Marley? Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for […]
Take a TourOpinions in LA
Megs and I have developed an uncanny ability to occasionally have the exact same reaction to dating stories. It’s not often, and it’s never about our own dating and relationships; nope, it’s only when someone else tells us a situation that we seem to be in perfect advising harmony. After shooting TakePart Live, we found […]
Take a TourTake Part Live – Just a Longer Essay This Time
Getting to TakePart Live was not the easiest thing I’ve done this past year. (Yes, I’d wager that organizing a cross country dating trip was indeed simpler for me.) Because to get to #TPL, I had to fly there and back again, a round trip consisting of precisely 15 hours. Nerves got the best of me, […]
Take a TourTakePart Live – Photo-Essay
First things first: transportation! Nerves got the best of me, and I walked to two wrong gates before landing at the correct departure gate. Next up, I spent fifteen minutes choosing an in-flight magazine (you’d have thought magazine selection was the most important thing I’d done for humanity in 2013) and had to leave the […]
Take a Tour