A Little Bird Told Me
I was never an avid Twitter user until Megs and I embarked on 50/50. It’s not like I had a good reason to avoid the little blue bird (unless you count the fact that I tend to write in long sentences instead of short sentiments, which makes that whole “140-characters-or-less” rule even more challenging than […]
Take a TourThe 50/50 Teaser is Here!
Fabulous news. Completely fabulous news. Wildly fabulous. So fabulous, I’m just going to let it speak for itself.
Take a TourFeeling Like a “Like”
Sometimes you feel like a like. Sometimes, you don’t. If you’re feeling “Like-y” today, head on over to Story Play Me’s Facebook page, where Alicia has entered a contest you can vote for The goal: tell the story of a great or gruesome date. The prize: your story directed and acted out by others. The […]
Take a TourOn Fear Based Decisions, Yo
“You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” – Michelle Obama In the past seven days, more than one person has told me they based a choice on fear. They have been “too scared” or “too weak” or “too afraid” to make a decision that was, indeed, scary, so […]
Take a TourLooking for Adventure
Lately, I’ve had a hard time remembering that adventure is everywhere. This is probably due to the fact that as September 17, 2013 wandered by, I found it near impossible not to remember where I was one year prior: putting on a brave face while Megs and Noah packed Huckleberry Fit, while my parents supervised, […]
Take a TourPolice Sketches : Online Dating Profiles
I’ve never actually seen a police sketch (outside of the infamous Unabomber drawing that looked like Everyman in a hood and big sunglasses) but I always assumed the intended purpose of these sketches was to pinpoint what a potential perp looked like.*And then earlier this week, I got a message in the 50/50 inbox from […]
Take a TourRoad Memory
I’m the point of post-road trip where I am being bombarded with flashbacks from my time on the road. Case in point: this afternoon while driving down the Nimitz freeway, I saw a woman walking down the shoulder of the road. Big hoop earrings, Raiders colors, and a pissed off strut that seemed to scream […]
Take a TourFourth Date Realities
For our fourth date, Brian took me to meet his closest friends in a town over an hour away, and the bulk of our car-ride conversation revolved around something I’d learned about him when we stayed up talking all night: the fact that he used be married. See, Brian married his high school sweetheart. As I’m […]
Take a TourSocial Capital and Middle America
Alicia here. Commuting into work is still an adjustment. Back on the road, every day was a commute, but it was a commute with fresh scenery and wonderment as to whether we’d find a good cup of coffee (for me) and pot of tea (for Megs). Now unless I take time to notice, the scenery […]
Take a TourThe Rest of the Story
Alicia here. Fortunately/unfortunately, the rest of the 50/50 story can’t be wrapped up in one blog-post of “what happened next?” Saddle up, friends – much like the inspiration for this posts’ title, the rest of the story will be going for a little bit longer. Plus, Megs will still be telling her tales from the road […]
Take a Tour