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Interviews : Dating

If only there were an SAT ratio question about dating, I’d probably have at least a few more points on the standardized test that terrorized me. You can tell just how well I did at that exact test based on the fact that I can’t even remember the fancy-pants name of those trickster queries. Clearly […]

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I-5 Northbound

After “enjoying” a Pickleback shot (me) – that’s Jameson followed by picklejuice, and no, I’m not kidding –  and something delicious with Kailua (Megan), we enjoyed another few hours at Neil Strauss’ home, mingling with a plethora of other guests. There was the young PUA’s mom who was visiting from Australia, the pornstar who had us […]

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Dating Facades: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Anyone who didn’t meet the love of their life in grade school has, at some point or another, sought advice. Some of us picked up a Cosmo or a GQ, some of us Googled “How do I attract another person?” and some of us discussed endlessly with best friends and strangers alike the nuances of […]

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Some Photos for Memorial Day

Just a few photos from our stop in Washington DC. It’s nice to remember those who lived before us, and nicer still to remember those still alive today.  World War II Memorial.

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Meeting Neil Strauss – Actually

If it wasn’t clear yesterday, I’ll say it now: I had a severe case of ‘fan-girl’ syndrome descending upon me as we pulled into Neil Strauss’ driveway – not the best way to enter any situation, let alone one where I’m supposed to be composed and in charge. Megan was busy assessing space and filming […]

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Meeting Neil Strauss – Preamble

The morning after Disneyland and Craigslist dating, I was a bit of a wreck. See, before I left on the 50/50 road trip, a friend of mine who has asked to remain anonymous handed me his copy of Neil Strauss’ The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick Up Artists. “You might be interested in this,” my […]

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Getting Our LA On

Ed Note: Before we begin, got some cool news this afternoon: the 50/50 Twitter feed was named in the top 200 feeds for info about dating! Read about that cool tidbit on the dating blog that named us here. Okay, back to the LA speed dating!  After spending a few days in Alaska, where the air was brisk and […]

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The Dark Matter of Breakups

One of the downfalls of dating – and of being a human who goes outside (or even of the Boo Radley variety for that matter) – is the aftermath of breakups. Since the whole fifty dates project was inspired by a heartbreaking work of breakuppery, ghosts of relationships past have certainly wafted through my mind […]

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Memos About Dating You Missed While You Were Married

Divorcee’s and singletons who recently exited over five-year long relationships, take heed: a brave new datingverse emerged while you were coupled up. Whether you’re the wring-your-hands-and-fret type, or the cool-cucumber-pretend-dating-doesn’t-exist type, it is clear that you’re going to want to meet someone special eventually. While I can’t tell you what the dating landscape will look […]

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Craigslist Personals: A Sample of LA Responses

Before we were even near the Grapevine, Megs and I had decided to try a new dating tactic: speed dating in Disneyland. Which meant I needed a date (or two, three, four, five) fast. And in order to not feel weird about suggeting a five minute to hour long date with someone, I needed men […]

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