Other People’s Love Stories
Tell me about it I’ve tossed out to date after date, boyfriend after boyfriend. About the intricacies of their jobs (I can talk BRT with the best of them and know quite a bit about the quagga issue). About their family dynamics (I’ve been whispered the darkest of the dark, and the joyfullest of the joyful). […]
Take a TourThe Universe Has Been Good to Me
I’ve asked a lot from the universe over the past 365 days. I asked for self forgiveness, which I quickly learned was tied deeply to appreciating myself and recognizing a whole slew (with sesame seeds!) of internal conflicts and beliefs that inhibited me from accepting the thing I wanted most: to believe in unconditional love, […]
Take a Tour#loveyourbody
There are many reasons I’m wicked excited for the re-release of Kimber Simpkins’ book, Full. Scratch that. There is one reason: Kimber’s book made me a better, more mindful person and gave me tools to start the long-overdue process of loving all of myself, from the brains in my head to the toes on my […]
Take a TourWhen Will I Learn?
Dusk was already upon me as I walked home from my cozy co-working situation (also known as a dimly lit corner of a cafe with friends and coffee). A man whose bulk was carried in all parts of his college basketball height body crossed the street and wound up next me to as we walked […]
Take a TourM ssing P eces – I Love You
Please review before our next meeting: Happy early Valentine’s Day, sweet people. Go tell someone special (boyfriend, old friend, parent, aunt, newborn babies, puppies at the SPCA, an almost blooming succulent, a jar of your favorite pickles, your English teacher from ninth grade, that guy who makes your heart pitter-patter when you run by him, […]
Take a TourCrazy Girls and Cowards
It’s not uncommon to hear the phrase Bitches be crazy* when sitting at a bar next to a group of men. Or when checking out Fuck Jerry‘s latest post on Instagram. Or when you’re one of two girls on a hike. “I can’t believe I acted that crazy,” I said to Claudia. Fog swallowed the […]
Take a Tour