50/50 on Pivot TV’s TakePart Live – Tonight!
Oh, Mylanta. There’s news in the 50/50 datingverse.
Not only are Megs and I going to be interviewed tonight on TakePart Live, a new show on Pivot TV, but we are debuting our first teaser of the movie!!! What’s a teaser, you ask? Well, it’s a short, montage of footage with a music underlay (using the incredibly rad song, Mtn Tne by Trails and Ways).
The show goes on live at 9pm PST/12am EST, then re-airs at 12pm on the West coast the next day.
Also, as the name implies, TakePart Live encourages participation from the watching audience. Get your social media beaks on and feel free to tweet at the show, @takepartlive. Plus, the hosts @JacobSoboroff and @CaraSantaMaria check their phones/feeds throughout the interview, so they’ll be ready to take questions and comments and pass them along.
Now if only I could stop be nervous and start being ready to rock and freaking roll!! I cannot wait to show you a montage of first dates.
Oh, and an extra bonus: we’ll be showing a clip from one of the more infamous first dates from the road…which lucky state is going to be featured? Check in and see!