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Tag Archives: relationship

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Date Re-Creation Going Oh So Right

I’d like to publicly admit that I am indeed a date re-creator. If I have been on a date that is “hip, hip. hooray!” worthy with one person, I am not too ashamed to try it with someone else. So when I saw that ZOZI was offering a “learn to fly a plane” experience near […]

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Opinions in LA

Megs and I have developed an uncanny ability to occasionally have the exact same reaction to dating stories. It’s not often, and it’s never about our own dating and relationships; nope, it’s only when someone else  tells us a situation that we seem to be in perfect advising harmony. After shooting TakePart Live, we found […]

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Is this what I’m trying so hard to find?

One of my favorite couples is separating. No, this isn’t a Nick and Jessica moment (though admittedly I was secretly a tiny bit bummed to hear about that) or a Demi and Ashton moment. These are friends, one of whom was blindsided by the news that the other needed a change of scene, a change […]

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For the Best

Alicia here. There’s something I notably left out of my last post: feeling. I expressed the facts, and not much but the facts. January had played her usual tricks on the Bay Area again, coming in all sunshine and beach-weather before making a sharp turn toward pure winter. I hadn’t dressed appropriately for the chilly […]

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Sunny in Seattle

  I watched in glee as the polo players dodged each other in the mad scramble for the ball.  Mounts came within inches of each other, sliding on the slick surface, a breath from collision and disaster.  Their riders urged them on, as they spun after the ball, mallets held high in the air.  The […]

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Dating Is Like Medicine

Sometimes dating feels like a lot like taking medicine. While the cough is irritating, you gulp the poorly impersonated candy-flavored syrup so the cough doesn’t wallop your face into a case of pneumonia.  That whole idea basically states at first the malady feels better than the antidote but,  as my mom is prone to reminding me, if […]

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State By State

When things get rough and tumble in my head around the idea of scheduling and getting it all done, I remind myself of the fact that Anne Lamott dedicated the entire title to her book to how to approach an overwhelming sense of everythingness: bird by bird. State by state works too, as does Meg’s […]

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Learning Nothing

I don’t think Adam or I tried to meet each other with ideas in our heads, but after almost two months of communicating, it was impossible not to. For me, there was a feeling of curiosity about what he’d be like, how he’d move, what his smile looked like when at first his face was […]

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Neg Or Not?

  Ed note: since writing this piece, have learned this is not a neg and is simply poorly executed potential flirtation. However, this did lead to the question of “what is my responsibility as a dater who wants to make the dating world a better place to inform people their tactics aren’t working?”  Oh hey, […]

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A Real Las Vegas Date (Stripless, Of Course)

The razzle-dazzling, dinging-bejazzle of the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame Museum Arcade (which may or may not be its official title) are unexpected as from the outside, this gray slab of building resembles the older model Costco’s. Like, back when they were Price Club, older model Costco’s.* While the off-the-strip structure appeared almost morose in […]

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