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Tag Archives: memory

Forgetfulness & Forgiveness

I knew he didn’t mean to forget me. Maybe it was a test. Of vigilance perhaps – being able to notice a shift in the wind. No, no, he wasn’t terrible interested in weather shifts except for how in the winter the sun set over the city, and in summer over the hills. The green […]

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In Memorandum

I’ve been choking on my heart today. I can feel it resting where an Adam’s apple would, making swallowing a rather heady endeavor. Literally, I’m pushing liquids to the top of my throat, then wooshing them down – I stopped trying to get my heart back down to my lungs hours ago. It’s all in the […]

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Preparation HI

When I was 10-almost-11, I flew to Hawaii by myself to visit my grandparents. As one of eight grandchildren (one of seven granddaughters, my brother blessed with being the only boy) it was a treat with sprinkles, a whipped cream and multiple cherries to get to spend a week alone with Betty and Bill. I […]

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