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Monthly Archives: November 2014

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If I’ve Met You, I Probably Love You

Whether past, or present, whether we interact or politely ignore each other (or in some cases, impolitely when you see me at a bar), whether I ever sat down and looked you in the eye and told you or whether we just talked in line at Trader Joe’s once: I almost assuredly love you. On this […]

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Knock Offs

Years ago, a beak-faced ex and I were looking like hares to relocate to the Bay Area, after having spent a tortoise-paced 10 months in Orange County. We were on a secret mission, one even my local parents knew nothing about, and we had approximately 36 hours (sleep included) to find and sign on an […]

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That Phone Call No One Could Prepare For

Ed note: folks, this story is from the bravest of the brave, a woman I am blessed to call my friend, Ella. Her story, heart-breaking as it is, also is heart-inspiring and shows that time can go a long way to maybe not repair what breaks, but help you reconsider that though you’ll never be […]

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Jane Austen and “No”

I’m a sucker for anything Jane Austen related, doubly so when references to Pride and Prejudice are involved.* Heck, I can’t even mention Ms. A without wanting to stand on a balcony and yell to the good people of Oakland, “Have you seen The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and if not why don’t you come eat some tasty popcorn I’ve […]

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You have to love, Love.

Between moving, cleaning the old place, a pretty wild amount of time on the phone with AT&T (though I did meet a lovely representative who lives in Florida and believes one day someone will make a dryer that also folds your clothes), hitting freelance deadlines, and spending more time writing on my book, instead of […]

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On Why I Breast My Cards

I’m actually pretty terrible at breasting my cards, or hiding my Scrabble letters, or not smirking at my own made up definitions during Balderdash. Hiding what I have rarely comes naturally to me, whether we’re talking games or personal opinions. And dear lord, if you’ve ever seen my face in motion, it’s an expressive piece […]

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