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Full Circle

Screen shot 2013-06-12 at 10.59.14 AMEndings always make me think of beginnings.

After writing yesterday’s post and thought about how the traveling to date ending was hard on me – I thought back to another ending that was hard on me: the original break up, and quitting my job and changing my entire life. So I started looking back.

I looked at my notes, emails and blog posts from the very beginning of 50/50, when going on fifty first dates in fifty states was a concept concocted under the influence of boisterously enhancing sparkling wine. When my friends fell into gales of laughter at the idea after saying “Ooo, I like that it rhymes!” When any change in my stable life scared the bejesus out of me. Looking at all these pieces reminded me of how I got right here and right now – how Noah and Megan came on board, how choices weren’t easy but were made.

And then I saw something back on post one so apt I’d have never been able to plan for it.

“All good things must come to a beginning.” 

The motivating motto I’d seen on the back of a Volcom sweatshirt rang just as now as it did then. Yes, one good* thing was ending but so many more good things were beginning – and they’d never have gotten started without this one thing ending.

What’s to come?

Well, for starters, there’s more than one side of the 50/50 story: there’s not just my voice, but Megan’s too. Not only is she making a movie, but she’ll also share her tales from the road (get ready to compare and contrast my idea of how the dates went with her own!) as well as her thoughts on dating. And for all you filmmakers out there, I’m betting she’s going to write about post-production and some of the tricks she used when filming. Making the reel real. (Ooo, too corny?)

I bet Noah has something to say. And you never know…some of my braver dapper dates may pop up too. (Any takers?)  And honestly, my dating story isn’t over. Not by a long shot. There’ll be more info on my datingverse, along with the usual posts inspired by conversations with strangers in bars and at BBQ’s, and twenty bucks says I manage to mention The Babysitter’s Club** more.

Before any of that though, I’m going to go take a bunch of deep breaths and remind myself that good things come to beginnings. Because they do.

*I feel like “good” barely encapsulates what the dating trip was…challenging, emotional, intense, whimsical, personally revolutionary all come to mind too.

**Did ya’ll know the show is on Netflix Instant Queue?!


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